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How To Launch A Passenger-Favorite Taxi App

How To Launch A Passenger-Favorite Taxi App

How To Launch A Passenger-Favorite Taxi App

Taxi companies are rapidly investing in smartphone software.

The convenience of hiring a cab using an app is unmatched. It is far superior compared to making long phone calls to taxi operators or waiting for a vacant cab on the street. With a taxi smartphone application, commuters can get a cab to their location within a few minutes by tapping on a few buttons on their mobile devices.

The demand for taxi smartphone applications is growing. That said, not all of them go on to become successful apps.

While the goal of a taxi app is to streamline the booking and management process, it needs to have the right features. And to make it a hit among customers, designing the app from both a passenger and administrator standpoint helps.

In this article, we discuss how to launch a taxi app that will be successful. Let us get started.

Current Taxi Apps That Are Passenger-Favorites

A handful of cab mobile software applications dominate the current market. To name a few, they are:

  • Uber

  • Lyft

  • Curb

  • GrabTaxi

All of these apps share a crucial characteristic in common. They are easy to use and make hiring taxis a quick and painless process. These apps also set great examples. Understanding how the leading apps work and the features they contain helps craft world-class taxi software.

Developing A Top-Notch Taxi Mobile Application

First, you must conduct thorough research to determine your target audience. Some questions that help understand your end-users are:

  • What is the age of your average passenger?

  • What is the income level of your target audience?

  • Where your passengers will be from

Once you have the answer to those questions, you can proceed to the next step of app development.

Crafting an excellent taxi mobile application that will be a hit among customers involves designing a stunning UI and implementing world-class features.

In terms of the interface, designing the layout of the taxi software with a consistent color theme and icon pack enables customers to view it with ease. Spacing navigation buttons without cluttering them allows for efficient navigation around the app.

Now let us look at some key features your taxi must have to become a passenger-favorite.

  • Ride now or later – This feature gives customers the choice of either hiring a taxi from your company immediately or reserving one for a later time.

  • GPS tracking – Taxi drivers and customers can look up the locations of each other using GPS and maps. It improves the accuracy of pick-ups and drops.

  • Multiple payment options – Adding more than one payment gateway boosts customer experience. They must accept debit/credit cards and mobile wallet payments.

  • Rating system – Improving your taxi service is simpler when you know what your customers think of it. The rating system gives you a pulse of your passengers via star ratings and comments.

  • Analytics – This feature enables you to understand your average audience, demographics, peak times, and more.

Once you’re done designing the User Interface and adding the features, it’s time to test the application in various live environments. This step is crucial prior to launching the app. After testing the software, you can detect and straighten out flaws.

Two Main Ways Of Launching A Taxi App

There are two paths to building and launching a taxi mobile application. You can sculpt one from scratch. Alternatively, you can customize an existing one.

Opting to build the software from scratch is costly with regard to time and resources. It requires you to recruit a team of designers, developers, analysts, and more. In addition to that, the chances of bugs and glitches occurring in the software will be high. Crafting software from the ground up was the only way to launch an app once upon a time. But not anymore.

Alternatively, you can customize an existing taxi software solution, an Uber clone app. It is an emulation of the original Uber app. The clone software contains similar features and a user interface. While that is the case, the code of this clone app is fully customizable. That lets you personalize the theme, features, content, and other software elements before launching it.

Why Choose An Uber Clone?

There are many reasons that scream Uber clone is the better choice for developing and launching a passenger-favorite taxi app. Let’s go over what they are.

  • Time-saving – No spending time on implementing features and designing the user interface. All of that comes pre-built into the software.

  • Cost-effective – Your only expense will be paying for the cost of the clone app. There is no need for recruiting resources.

  • World-class ready – The clone software contains industry-leading features in the app. That includes GPS tracking, easy sign-in options, multiple payment options, and more.

  • Scalability – Whenever you decide to scale up or down your app, the customizability of the code allows you to do it effortlessly.


Launching a passenger-favorite taxi app translates to higher user engagement and cab bookings. Consequently, you can beat the competition and run a successful taxi business. Are you looking for the best Uber clone app? Then purchase Cabily. It is loaded with cutting-edge features and is fully customizable. You can host it on a cloud server of your choice.

Whether you want to venture into the taxi segment or transition from offline to online taxi services, Cabily is the perfect solution for you. Get in touch with us to know more today.

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